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Clean water uses clean power as proven by the Ewon Cosy

UK Power Networks Services needed to deploy power quality monitoring at a major UK water treatment plant. Part of the contract included remote access to operational data to streamline the process. The Ewon Cosy 131 proved to be the ideal choice.
The Ewon Cosy securely connects us in the office to the meters in the remote location. We are then able to review the records in the power meter, review the event list and see if there are any disturbances. 
Rinu Ravikumar - Senior Design Engineer
UK Power Networks

National water supplies are classified as critical infrastructure in the UK and many other countries. In this respect, they attract more attention when they go wrong and must place concerted emphasis on maintaining 100% uptime. The water industry relies heavily on other critical utilities, including electricity. So, in much the same way, the electrical suppliers have to be just as committed.

UK Power Networks was approached by a major UK water supplier who was experiencing power quality issues at a large treatment works. They were tasked with identifying causes of disruptions that could not be directly attributed to a simple power outage of the incoming electricity supply.

The Ewon Cosy 131 proved to be the perfect solution in this case, bringing many benefits to the supplier, as listed below.


- The Ewon Cosy easily connects the Siemens power-quality measurement devices with the central control room, as well as with remote and on-site engineers

- Talk2M gives stakeholders unrestricted access to vital operational information

- Remote access to measuring devices improves maintenance and troubleshooting